Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Reflection

So I wished I updated this blog more, but hey ce'st la vie. Anyways, I really learned a lot from this class. I'm not the best at makeup, I know that for a fact. But I'm really glad I had the opportunity to have Sue teach me all this cool stuff that I can use for the future. For example, I'm playing a grandfather in Little Women and now I don't have to worry about not knowing how to do Old Age makeup. There were times that this class made me want to pull my hair out and curse Sue and the rest of the world, but all-in-all I still had a great learning experience and a lot of fun doing the class.

Final link


Thursday, November 8, 2012


Picture on the face.

2. So after I made the colors for myself, I draw the lines that are on the picture to my face.

2. Next, I start with the gold color and add that in

3. Next, I added the amber-ish color on to my face

4. Then the dark shadow parts.

5. Cold cream

6. Done

I was a little disappointed with the way my face turned out. I think I could have followed it better and blended the colors a lot better.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Skinny Face

1. Add base....co-starring Andrew's hand

2. Add lines/shadow on the face

3. Blend and you're done....."Oh my gosh, how'd you get so skinny....?"

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Old Age

1. Base makeup

2. Draw lines on my face

3. Put shadow on face

4. Blend it in (though not as rough as I did)

5. Blend it in with new lines


Monday, September 17, 2012

Whiteface Makeup

1. First step - Clean face

2nd. Face lines

3rd. Paint face white

4th. Add lips and nose

5th. Add black

6th. Cold cream (ouchies eyes)

7th. Wash face and done =)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

God I hate clowns

Look at Pennywise.....so freaking scary. I really do not like clowns and I'm hoping this project will help me conquer my fears.